Almost every time it rains, I look for it. Those seven colors meld together so harmoniously, with a radiance that is hard to miss. The rainbow, a symbol, given to us by God, represents His promise never to destroy the earth again with a flood as He did in the days of Noah. I have told my kids the story so many times that if they are with me when we see one, they beat me to the punch! Today, the rainbow is often distorted and is proclaimed to be the symbol of things that are anything but godly. God’s rainbow always has and always will have 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. It’s never changing just as He is. The 6 stripes of color (the number varies) on flags today is just that, some stripes of color that can always change at the whim of a single person; it’s value is fleeting. It breaks my heart to see something intended for such beauty, both to the eye and symbolically, be diminished and used for evil. But I urge you to remember the truth. It honestly means more to me than a single promise. It reminds me of all of his promises written throughout the pages of His Word. The one that I cling to the most is His promise to never leave me or forsake me. He is always there. And on those rainy, darker days, the clouds break, the sun shines through and there it is. There HE is. Hebrews 13:5b (a quotation from Deuteronomy 31:6), says “…God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” No matter what mountain you are facing or if you are in a place of celebration, God is there. There is nothing I have to handle or face alone. And even in the joyful times, I get to praise Him! One day last week, I was having one of those days that was just hard. Throughout the day, I prayed asking God to let me see His presence. That evening, we had a small rain storm that maybe lasted 10 minutes, and then, the sun came out as the last drops finished their course. I opened the window, looked up, and there it was shining brighter than I had seen it for a long time with another spread lightly above it. In the course of that evening, as the storm made its way through our small city, I saw 5 rainbows in all. I knew He heard and I knew He was there just as He promised.
A Real Rainbow
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