I am intrigued by the movies and TV shows of the 1950s and 1960s. I love to watch The Honeymooners, I Love Lucy, Sound of Music, Marry Poppins, Dick Van Dyke, and recently, the Alfred Hitchcock TV series. It is good clean entertainment that highlights true creativity and writing talent without all of the language or filth that we see on TV today. But what I am most intrigued by is the way the people present themselves. Men are in suits unless they are lounging around the home in their nice slacks and casual sweaters or button-down shirts. Women are clothed in casual dresses while at home and a modest crisp dress, matching hat, and purse when out and about. Everyone seems to take the time to present themselves with respect. It’s fascinating to watch. And then there is our modern society where self-respect seems to be out the window as well as any respect for anyone else. While at the grocery store the other day, I noticed a woman in the produce section. She was talking on her phone loud enough for everyone to hear her business, it was hard not to notice her. When I heard her talking, my curiosity got the best of me and I looked up to find a woman in her late 50s, maybe early 60s with her cell phone tucked in the straps of her bra and tank top that was anything but modest and her phone set to speaker phone and the volume up as high as it would go! It took the “hands-free” concept to another level! I thought to myself, where has the self-respect gone? I’m not saying we need to wear suits and dresses with well-shined shoes and matching accessories, but can we present ourselves as if we care a little about who we are? It’s not about trying to impress anyone or obsessing about what others think but if we have any sense of self value, we should care a little. When someone dresses without modesty, behaves loudly, flaunting everything about themselves, it’s not because they are confident, it’s the exact opposite. They don’t value themselves and are seeking attention, any kind of attention. It’s really sad. I’m not a dress or high-heeled girl, but I do want to cover up and carry myself in a way that shows respect both for myself and others. It wouldn’t hurt to pause, take a step back, and learn a little from the past.