Sometimes this world is overwhelming. It seems like those who mock God and turn their backs on or even refuse to acknowledge His existence at all, are “successful”. They are the ones with plenty of income, all of the praise and accolades at work, fancy trips, and all seemingly with little effort. The Psalmist, Job, and Jeremiah all felt the same when they questioned the prosperity of the wicked in Psalm 73:3, Job 21:7, and Jeremiah 12:1. It isn’t a new occurrence. At times when life seems to be a struggle, whatever it may be, it’s particularly hard not to look around with frustration. However, though someone may be “successful” by the world’s terms, that doesn’t mean their heart has any sort of joy or peace. Is that “success” worth it? I received a work email today from a client/coworker that I have only worked with remotely via emails, texts, and phone calls for the last few years. I’d like to say that she is now a friend though I have never actually met her in person. She has shared bits and pieces of her long battle with cancer and during this last year, it has gotten pretty bad with very little hope of a full recovery. Needless to say, she has not been able to work and I hear very little from her. I pray for her and every once and a while, I send her an email, hoping to hear from her. After several months of quiet, the subject line of the email today was a cheerful “Greetings!” She gave an update that was positive though by no means marked any kind of end to the battle. But the words on the screen were nothing but grateful, I could almost feel her peace. The world would say that she has lost a lot, life is bleak, and anything but successful. But as I read her words, I would argue that this woman has found more contentment and joy than most ever will. So I ask again, is it all worth it? Is all the money and worldly success worth more than an unexplainable peace? I have some hard days as I am sure most of you do. Days with frustration, exhaustion, or tears. But there truly is a peace underneath it all that I cannot fully explain. And the hope that I have in Christ, particularly the hope of eternity with Him, far outweighs it all. I may not understand or like the circumstances but I do know that nothing is worth abandoning my faith in God. And He may eventually bless you in whatever area you are struggling with, but while you wait, don’t be discouraged because in Christ, you have more than enough and that is the greatest success.
True Success
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